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AIM: This paper describes the development of 'a best practice framework', following review of a sample of notes of children known to the Lifetime Service, where the child has a non-malignant life limiting condition, to improve child and family…
A previous study found that parents of communicatively impaired children with severe cognitive impairments identified six core cues as indicating definite or severe pain in their child (J. Pediatr. Psychol. 27 (2002) 209). The frequency of each cue…
AIM To detail the everyday occurrence of pain in non-communicating children with cognitive impairment. METHODS Thirty four parents of cognitively impaired verbally non-communicating children completed pain diaries over a two week period. Each day,…
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of non-malignant life-threatening illness in childhood and associated morbidity in the affected child and their family members. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Bath Clinical Area (total population…