Browse Items (4 total)

Background: Providing end-of-life (EOL) care to pediatric patients and their families is challenging. Newly licensed nurses, especially those working with the hematology/oncology population, have little to no experience providing the specialized care…

Background: Children with relapsed/refractory cancer have a myriad of palliative care needs. While pediatric oncology clinicians meet many of these needs, studies suggest that these children often have distressing symptoms and that families feel…

Background: Researchers and clinicians must collaborate to consider alternative approaches to conduct standard protocol activities and deliver interventions during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has required researchers at many institutions to…

Background: Approximately half of children receiving palliative care are under age five; however, there are a few studies exploring palliative care interventions for this population. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Reiki on…
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