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Tags: 2004, Analysis of Variance, Backlog, Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Bratts T, Conflict of Interest, Documentation/methods/standards, Empirical Approach, Ethics Committees, Guideline Adherence/standards, Guidelines As Topic, Hospital Bed Capacity/statistics & numerical data, Human Experimentation, Humans, Journal Article, Journal Of Nursing Scholarship, Larson E, Multi-site Ethics, Organizational Affiliation, Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care)/organization & administration, Patient Advocacy, Professional Competence/standards, Questionnaires, Research/organization & administration, Stone P, Time Factors, United States, Zwanziger J
Tags: 2003, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Attitude To Health, Backlog, Ethics, Ethics Committees, Human Experimentation, Humans, International Journal of Palliative Nursing, Journal Article, Kristjanson LJ, Lee S, Multi-site Ethics, Nurse's Role, Nursing, Nursing Research/ethics, Palliative Care/ethics/psychology, Patient Advocacy, Research Design, Research Personnel/psychology, Research/organization & administration, Terminally Ill/psychology
Tags: 2001, Backlog, Casarett D, Ethics, Ethics Committees, Ferrell B, Guidelines, Hospices/standards, Human Experimentation, Humans, Institutional, Journal Article, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Kirschling J, Levetown M, Medical, Merriman MP, Palliative Care, Ramey M, Research, Research Support/standards, Silverman P, Societies, United States