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Objective: To describe levels of perceived shared decision making (SDM), decisional conflict (DC), and decision regret (DR) in prenatal counseling by pregnant women, partners, neonatologists, and obstetricians regarding decision-making around…
BACKGROUND: In case of extreme premature delivery at 24 weeks of gestation, both early intensive care and palliative comfort care for the neonate are considered treatment options. Prenatal counseling, preferably using shared decision making, is…
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the perspectives of experienced parents regarding guidelines and personalisation for managing imminent extremely premature births (22-26 weeks gestational age (GA)) . The study examined four scenarios: no guideline, a…
AIM: To investigate the main factors which facilitate or hinder end-of-life decision-making (EoLDM) in neonates and children. METHODS: A qualitative inductive, thematic analysis was performed of interviews with a total of 73 parents and 71…