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AIMS: This study explored how paediatric healthcare professionals experienced and coped with end-of-life conflicts and identified how to improve coping strategies. METHODS: A questionnaire was distributed to all 2,300 professionals at a paediatric…
BACKGROUND: Globally, perinatal death is on a decline. However, its impact on the healthcare profession is huge. The existing literature focuses on examining perinatal death from parents' perspectives and patient death from the perspectives of nurses…
Introduction: Pediatric palliative care (PPC) seeks longitudinal relationships with patients facing life threatening conditions. Optimal PPC navigates between both inpatient and outpatient domains thus making the patient’s primary care physician…
Healthcare professionals' psychological involvement in perinatal loss is a largely overlooked subject by healthcare systems, scientific research and prevention policies. A systematic scientific review has been carried out about emotional experiences,…
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Children with medical complexity (CMC) often have multiple life-limiting conditions with no unifying diagnosis and an unclear prognosis and are at high risk for morbidity and mortality. Advance care planning (ACP)…
BACKGROUND: Best practice in perinatal bereavement care suggests offering parents the opportunity to spend time with their baby. Cold cots facilitate this purpose by reducing the deterioration of the body and evidence indicates their wide…
Background: Despite the body of literature regarding the varying definition of compassion, there appears a lack of literature pertaining to the meaning of compassion from the perspective of health care professionals working in palliative care…
BACKGROUND: The paediatric Moral Distress Scale-Revised (MDS-R) was previously translated and adapted to Swedish paediatric oncology. Cognitive interviews revealed five not captured situations among the 21 items, resulting in five added items: 22)…
BACKGROUND: Death is an integral part of neonatal intensive care units' (NICUs) environment and little it is known about NICU's staff death concepts. AIM: To investigate attitudes and experiences towards death of healthcare professionals (HPs)…
BACKGROUND: Most children needing palliative care (PC) live in low- and middle-income countries. In Colombia, pediatric palliative care (PPC) knowledge among healthcare professionals (HCPs) is lacking as PPC is not included in the educational…
Purpose: To assess the feelings and knowledge of health care professionals (HCPs) about gasping in dying patients in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). Methods: A 9-item questionnaire addressed to 488…