Browse Items (27 total)
- Tags: Emotion
"It Is a Whole Different Life from the Life I Used to Live": Assessing Parents' Support Needs in Paediatric Palliative Care
Tags: 2022, Adult, Aoun SM, Article, Australia, Caregiver Support, Children, clinical monitoring, Controlled Study, Cuddeford L, Deleuil R, Emotion, emotional support, empowerment, family support, Feasibility Study, Female, Gill FJ, Hospice Care, Human, July List 2023, Lyon ME, Male, Momber S, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Parent, pediatric patient, Phillips MB, psychosocial care, Public Health, Qualitative Research, Stegmann R, Terminal Care, tertiary care center, Thematic Analysis, Volunteer
"It's a Heavy Thing to Carry:" Internal Medicine and Pediatric Resident Experiences Caring for Dying Patients
Tags: 2023, American Journal Of Hospice And Palliative Care, Article, August List 2033, Bogetz JF, Buck L, care behavior, Child, Content Analysis, Dying, Education, Emotion, genetic transcription, Gibbon LM, Human, Internal Medicine, Interview, learning environment, meaning-making, Multidisciplinary team, Personhood, Physician, Resident, Schmidt L, Self Care, Skill, tension, Terminal Care, Trowbridge A, witness
"You need to be supported": An integrative review of nurses' experiences after death in neonatal and paediatric intensive care
Tags: 2024, Australian Critical Care, Bereavement, Bereavement Support, Bloomer MJ, Brooks LA, Child, Child Death, Coventry A, Emotion, family relation, Grief, Human, Intensive Care, intensive care nursing, March List 2025, Medical Subject Headings, Nurse, Nursing Practice, open science, pediatric intensive care nursing, Professional Practice, Psycinfo, Ranse K, Review, Rowe J, Self Care, Systematic Review, Terminal Care, Thomas S
A grief ignored: Narratives of pregnancy loss from a male perspective
A qualitative phenomenological study of nurses' experiences in caring for infants and children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions
Tags: 2023, Article, August List 2024, avoidance behavior, Bassola B, care behavior, Child, Child Care, Cilluffo S, Destrebecq A, Emotion, Emotional Intelligence, Female, Human, Human Experiment, Infant, Interview, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Lusignani M, Male, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Nurse, Nursing Care, Ongari E, Pediatric Nursing, Phenomenology, Physiological stress, Psychologist, Qualitative Research, Targa A, Terzoni S
Are we on the same page? Exploring pediatric patients' involvement with advance care planning
Tags: 2023, Aasen ERHV, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, Adolescent, Adult, Advance Care Planning, Caregiver, Child, Cystic Fibrosis, Emotion, Female, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June 2022 List, Lee A, Male, Medline, Neurology, oSovik ML, outcome assessment, Palliative Therapy, Patient Participation, pediatric patient, Randomized Controlled Trial (topic), Review, Stordal K, Systematic Review, Young Adult
Assessing well-being in pediatric palliative care: A pilot study about views of children, parents and health professionals
Tags: 2023, Article, Bolance C, Camprodon-Rosanas E, Child, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Demography, Emotion, emotional well-being, Female, Guillen M, health practitioner, Human, Limonero JT, Male, May List 2023, Navarro Vilarrubi S, Palliative And Supportive Care, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Perception, Pilot Projects, Pilot Study, psychologic assessment, School Child, Toro-Perez D, vision, Visual Analog Scale, Wellbeing
Autism traits in children and adolescents with Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Tags: 2014, Aberrant Behavior Checklist, adaptive behavior, Adolescent, Adult, Age, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, Article, Autism, behavior disorder, Behavioral phenotype, behavioral problems, characteristics, Checklist, Child, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Clark B, Clinical Article, Communication, communication disorder, compulsion, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, daily life activity, De Lange syndrome, Diagnosis, Disease Severity, Emotion, Female, Grados M A, Human, hyperactivity, Intellectual Impairment, Interpersonal Communication, Irritability, Kline A D, Landy-Schmitt C, Language, lethargy, limb, maladjustment, Male, Phenotype, Priority Journal, psychological rating scale, Rating Scale, Repetitive behaviors, rigidity, Skill, social cognition, Socialization, Specht M, Srivastava S, stereotypy, Trajectory, Verbal Communication, Vineland Adaptive Behaviors Scales
Chinese Neonatal Nurses' Lived Experiences of Providing End-of-Life Care in the NICU: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study
Development and pilot-testing of a health-related quality of life chronic generic module for children and adolescents with chronic health conditions: a European perspective
Tags: 'Independence', 'Physical', 'Social Exclusion') with acceptable internal consistency., 'Social Inclusion', 13-16 years) with different chronic health conditions (asthma, 2005, Adolescent Child Chronic Disease/psychology Disabled Children/psychology Europe Health Status Humans Pilot Projects Quality of Life/psychologyQuestionnaires Research Support, and cystic fibrosis) as well as their families were included. Data were analysed according to predefined psychometric and content criteria. Psychometric an alyses resulted in a 56-item chronic generic HRQOL questionnaire with six domains ('Medication', and implement European instruments for the assessment of HRQOL of children and adolescents with disabilities and their families. The current paper describes the development and pilot testing of a chronic generic HRQOL measure. Using literature searches, Arthritis, atopic dermatitis, Backlog, Bullinger M, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Emotion, Epilepsy, expert consulting and focus groups with children/adolescents and their families, items of the instruments were developed and translated into the respective languages. A pilot test with 360 children and adolescents was conducted. Children and adolescents (8-12, Journal Article, Non-U.S. Gov'tSickness Impact Profile%X Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) assessment in children and adolescents with chronic health conditions is increasingly considered as a relevant topic. The aim of the EU-funded DISABKIDS project is to develop, PedPal Lit, Petersen C, Power M, Quality of Life Research, Schmidt S, test
Discussing Serious News
Tags: 2017, Adult, Bereavement, December 2017 List, Doctor Patient Relation, Education, Emotion, Empathy, Female, Flint H, Hospital, Hossain M, Human, Interpersonal Communication, Klein M, Male, Medical Education, Meyer M, Palliative Therapy, Parent, Pediatrics, Procedures, Psychology, The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care
Diversity of Parent Emotions and Physician Responses During End-of-Life Conversations
Tags: 2023, Akkermans AA, Child, Child Parent Relation, Critical Illness, de Hoog M, de Vos MA, Death, Dijk PH, Emotion, Human, Kneyber MCJ, Linn AJ, Newborn, October List 2039, Pediatrics, Physician, Prins S, Psychology, Simons SHP, Smets EMA, van de Loo M, van Heerde M, van Kaam AHLC, van Woensel JBM
Facilitators and barriers to parent-child communication in pediatric palliative care: An integrative review
Tags: 2024, Child, Child Parent Relation, Communication Barrier, cultural context, Emotion, Health Care Personnel, Human, Information, International Journal of Nursing Sciences, Interpersonal Communication, Li F, Li H, Mutual protection, November List 2024, Palliative Therapy, parent child communication, Pediatrics, resilience training program, Review, Social Behavior, Society, Thematic Analysis, Training, Zhang M, Zhang Y
Helping parents prepare for their child's end of life: A retrospective survey of cancer-bereaved parents
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Article, Battles H, Bedoya S Z, Bereavement, Caregiver, Child, childhood cancer/dm [Disease Management], Content Analysis, Emotion, Female, Gerhardt C A, health care need, Human, Infant, Interpersonal Communication, Mack J, Major Clinical Study, Male, Newborn, Nurse, Oncology 2020 List, open ended questionnaire, Parent, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric oncologist, pediatric patient, Priority Journal, Psycho-Oncology, Psychologist, Quality Of Life, quantitative analysis, Retrospective Study, social media, Social Support, Social Worker, support group, Tager J, Terminal Care, Thematic Analysis, time of death, Wiener L, worker
How do children’s nurses working in hospices manage emotional labour and professional integrity in long-term relationships with parents?
Tags: 2023, August List 2026, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, Brimble MJ, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Coping Behavior, Emotion, Emotional Intelligence, Ethics, Female, Hospice, Hospices, Human, Human Experiment, Human Tissue, Male, mobile phone, Nurse, Nursing Practice, Parents, professionalism, Purposive Sample, social media, telephone interview, Thematic Analysis, theoretical study
How doctors manage conflicts with families of critically ill patients during conversations about end-of-life decisions in neonatal, pediatric, and adult intensive care
Tags: 2022, Adult, Akkermans A, Article, CARE, Cherpanath TGV, Child, Clinical, Conflict, Conversation, critically, de Vos MA, decision, Emotion, Family, Female, Genetic, Health, Human, ill, intensive, Intensive Care Medicine, literacy, making, Male, Management, Morality, Newborn, Patient, Qualitative, Research, responsibility, Schultz MJ, September 2022 List, Smets EMA, Spijkers AS, transcription, Uncertainty, Unit, van de Loo M, van Heerde M, van Kaam AH, van Woensel JBM, Willems DL
Living with Pompe disease: results from a qualitative interview study with children and adolescents and their caregivers
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, cognitive behavioral therapy, Content Analysis, content validity, Disease Severity, Dyspnea, Emotion, emotional appraisal, enzyme replacement, Fatigue, February List 2025, Female, glycogen storage disease type 2, Hahn A, Hennermann JB, Home Care, Huemer M, Human, inborn error of metabolism, Lagler FB, Landolt MA, Life Expectancy, Male, MAXQDA software, Moslinger D, Multicenter Study, Muscle Weakness, musculoskeletal pain, Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases, Pain, Pain Intensity, Palliative Therapy, Perception, Pfrimmer C, psychosocial care, Qualitative Analysis, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, Rohrbach M, School Child, Semi Structured Interview, Severity Of Illness Index, social exclusion, Social Support, sore throat, Truninger MI, Vomiting, Werner H, Young Adult
My Life Is a Mess but I Cope': An Analysis of the Language Children with Life-limiting and Life Threatening Illnesses Use to Describe their Own Condition
Tags: 2023, ambivalence, Braybrook D, Bristowe K, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Coombes L, discourse analysis, Downing J, Ellis-Smith C, Emotion, Female, Fraser L, Harardottir D, Harding R, Health Status, Human, Human Experiment, Human Tissue, Interview, Language, literature, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Murtagh FE, Only Child, Palliative Medicine, Preschool Child, Roach A, Scott HM, September List 2027, Thematic Analysis
Palliative Care After Neonatal Intensive Care: Contributions Of Leonetti Law And Remaining Challenges
Tags: 2017, April 2017 List, Archives de Pediatrie, Artificial Feeding, Astruc D, Brain Damage, Climate, Clinical Practice, Clinical Study, Cojean N, Decision Making, Dillenseger L, Drug Withdrawal, Dying, Emotion, Escande B, Ethics, Health Promotion, Human, Human Dignity, Hydration, Kuhn P, Life Sustaining Treatment, Medical Decision Making, Medical Ethics, Medical Practice, Neonatology, Newborn, Newborn Intensive Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Right, Perinatal Care, Perinatal Nursing, Quality Of Life, Short Survey, Survival, Terminal Care, Treatment Withdrawal, Zores C
Pediatric advance care discussions between health care professionals and parents of children with a life-limiting disease: A qualitative interview study
Tags: 2018, August 2018 List, Borasio GD, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Conversation, Data Analysis, Daxer M, Emotion, Female, Führer M, Germany, Health Care Personnel, Hein K, Heitkamp N, Human, Jox R, Knochel K, Male, Medical Information, Monz A, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Perception, Semi Structured Interview, writing
Preliminary Study of Neurodevelopmental Outcomes and Parenting Stress in Pediatric Mitochondrial Disease
Tags: 2017, Aggression, anxiety disorder/dm [Disease Management], Article, attention disturbance/dm [Disease Management], behavioral problems, brain atrophy/dm [Disease Management], characteristics, Child, Child Behavior, childhood disease/dm [Disease Management], Clinical Article, Comorbidity, daily life activity, delinquency, depression/dm [Disease Management], Disease Severity, drug resistant epilepsy/dm [Disease Management], drug resistant epilepsy/dr [Drug Resistance], Emotion, Eom S, Female, Human, intellectual impairment/dm [Disease Management], Intelligence, Intelligence Quotient, lactic acidosis/dm [Disease Management], Lee Y M, Leigh disease/dm [Disease Management], Leigh syndrome, Male, MELAS syndrome, MELAS syndrome/dm [Disease Management], mitochondrial disorders, muscle disease/dm [Disease Management], nervous system development, neuroimaging, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, Parental Stress, Pediatric Neurology, postnatal depression/dm [Disease Management], Preschool Child, Priority Journal, problem behavior/dm [Disease Management], Prognosis, psychomotor development, Quality Of Life, sleep disorder/dm [Disease Management], social problem, somatization/dm [Disease Management], thinking impairment/dm [Disease Management], Trajectory
Spirituality in patients with advanced illness: The role of symptom control, resilience and social network
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Barreto P, Clinical Trial, Cross Sectional Study, Cross-sectional Studies, Emotion, February 2018 List, Female, Fombuena M, Galiana L, Human, Journal Of Health Psychology, Male, Middle Aged, Multicenter Study, Oliver A, Palliative Therapy, Pascual A, Psychological Resilience, Psychology, Religion, Social Support, Soto-Rubio A, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient, Very Elderly, Young Adult
Taking a narrative approach to grief research: Finding meaning in stories
Tags: 2002, Backlog, Child, Death, Death studies, Emotion, Gilbert KR, Grief, Interviews, Journal Article, Meaning, Narrative, Qualitative Research, Research, Role, Time
Teamwork and conflicts in paediatric end-of-life care
Tags: 2018, Acta Paediatrica, Conflict, conflict management, Coping Behavior, Editorial, Emotion, Health Care Personnel, Human, March 2018 List, Medical Decision Making, Nurse, Parental Attitude, Pediatrics, Physician, physiotherapist, Priority Journal, Psychologist, Teamwork, Terminal Care, Verhagen AAE
The Emotional Experience of Caring for Children in Pediatric Palliative Care: A Qualitative Study among a Home-Based Interdisciplinary Care Team
Tags: 2023, Adult, Article, Burnout, care behavior, Case Study, Castel-Sanchez M, Child, Child Death, Children, collaborative care team, Emotion, Emotional Stress, Emotions, Female, Gueita-Rodriguez J, Health Personnel Attitude, Home Care, Human, Job Satisfaction, July List 2023, Male, Martino-Alba R, Palacios-Cena D, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Qualitative Research, Rico-Mena P, Satisfaction, Semi Structured Interview, Thematic Analysis
The most painful estrangement: Death at birth
Tags: 2024, alienation, April List 2024, Article, avoidance behavior, Bereavement, Cacciatore J, Child Death, community care, complicated grief/dt [Drug Therapy], continuing education, Coping, Decision Making, Depression, Emotion, Emotional Stress, emotional support, family history, Family Stress, Fear, Guilt, Human, Identity, lactation, Loneliness, mourning, naltrexone/dt [Drug Therapy], Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Prevalence, rage, regret, Sadness, Self Concept, Seminars in Perinatology, shame, social bonding, Social Support, sorrow, spontaneous abortion, Stigma, Stillbirth, Suicide, traffic accident
Unfolding parental knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs toward palliative care for children with cancer
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Abboud MR, Article, Caregiver, Child, Childhood Cancer, Demography, Education, Educational Status, Emotion, Fares S, Female, Huijer HAS, Human, Lebanon, Major Clinical Study, Male, Multicenter Study, Noureddine S, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Pediatrics, quantitative analysis, Questionnaire, Rassam RS, Smith EML, Structured Interview, Wolfe J