Browse Items (4 total)

BACKGROUND: There is little information about providing pediatric palliative care (PPC) in non-metropolitan areas. OBJECTIVE: Describe the strengths of and challenges to delivering PPC in non-metropolitan communities and identify opportunities to…

Objectives *Identify 3 barriers to the provision of care in rural areas for children with life-limiting illnesses and their families. *Describe 3 approaches to improving the provisions of care in rural areas for children with lifelimiting illnesses…

CONTEXT: Pediatric palliative care has no evidence-based needs assessment measure. The Parent and Child Needs Survey (PCNeeds) is a new instrument designed to assess the needs of children in palliative care, including children receiving end-of-life…

Describe categories of need faced by parents and
patients in pediatric palliative care.
Describe unmet needs faced by parents and patients
in pediatric palliative care.
322 Schedule with Abstracts Vol. 51 No. 2 February 2016
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