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AIM: To examine paediatric deaths following withdrawal or withholding of medical treatment (WWMT) from a hospital-wide perspective and identify changes over a 10 year period. METHODS: A retrospective review of medical records was conducted for all…
BACKGROUND: It is important to document the domains surrounding end-of-life (EOL) care in the electronic health record (EHR). No pediatric navigator exists for these purposes. MEASURES: Medical charts were reviewed for documentation surrounding code…
Background: Research has shown that many babies who die in neonatal units could have been potential tissue and/or organ donors. Despite the existence of guidelines supporting its implementation, the incidence of neonatal donation remains rare in the…
BACKGROUND: Planning for care at the end of life (EoL) is an essential component of support and care for families of children with life-limiting conditions. The purpose of this review was to compare documented EoL planning with published children's…
Objectives: * Compare the benefits of a primary palliative care model to those of a specialty palliative care service. * Propose a stepwise process to initiate the transition from a specialty palliative care service to a primary palliative care…
OBJECTIVE: This research examined the provision of palliative care for residents with a non-cancer diagnosis including the use of advance directives and advance care planning as part of palliative care policies in residential aged care facilities in…
Background Research ethics committees (RECs) are identified as one of the biggest barriers to research with vulnerable populations, such as children and young people with life-limiting conditions or life-threatening illnesses (CYP with LLC/LTI).…
Introduction Of the 74% of UK childhood deaths that occur in hospital, an increasing number-up to 65%-occur in PICU. There is little information about the impact of this on those who provide minute-to minute care of the children and their families,…
OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship of providing explanatory information regarding resuscitation to DNR status for parents and guardians of young people who reside in a pediatric skilled nursing facility., DESIGN: Retrospective,…
Program Goals: The American College of Critical Care Medicine Task Force, 2004-2005 recommends "family meetings with the multi-professional team begin within 24-48 hours after ICU admission and are repeated as dictated by the condition of the patient…
Background As there was no specialist paediatric palliative care team in the region, we made a successful bid to NHS England's Marginal rate Emergency Threshold (MRET) and Readmission Fund for the Chameleon Project1 in 2018. The project has been…
BACKGROUND: Although international guidelines recommend discussions about goals of care and treatment options for children with severe and life-limiting conditions, there are still few structured models of paediatric advance care planning. AIM: The…
Aims An audit of children and young person's advanced care plans (ACPs) in two district general hospitals (centres A and B) against NICE guidance [1]. Methods Centre A: consultants were emailed to identify the population with ACPs. Centre B: two…
Aims A proportion of children with neurodisability will have life-limiting conditions, whereby their complex continuing needs increase the intricacy and urgency for providing comprehensive supportive care to these families. Equal access to universal…
Aims Children's hospices provide a range of services for children with life limiting (LLC) and life threatening conditions (LTC). Referral previously relied on obtaining supporting views from the child's paediatrician and there was often delay…
Background Good end-of-life care planning is vital to ensure optimal care is provided for patients and their families. Two key factors are open and honest advance care planning conversations between the patient (where possible), family, and health…
BACKGROUND: Intractable feeding intolerance in children with severe neurological impairment (SNI) is poorly defined and understood. OBJECTIVE(S): (1) To describe 9 children with SNI, where intractable feeding intolerance was thought to be a…
Background: Paediatric palliative care (PPC) is a noncurative approach to the care of children and adolescents with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses. Electronic medical records (EMRs) play an important role in documenting such complex…
Introduction: Pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) confers a high risk of morbidity and mortality and palliative care (PC) integration in HCT may improve outcomes. PC services can aid in advanced care planning, symptom management, and…
Program Goals: Appropriate use of electronic media in a pediatric palliative care setting enhances a family's experience of care given to their child over time and assists in the grieving process. Here we explore multiple uses of electronic media in…
Background: In the context of pediatric palliative care, where the quality of life of children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions is of utmost importance, the integration of health technology must support the provision of care.…
Objectives: Dystonia and seizures can be common, unpredictable and distressing neurological symptoms in paediatric palliative care. Emergency seizure management is increasingly under joint neurology and palliative care, often incorporated into…