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Tags: 2018, acutely ill patient, Article, Bainbridge MN, Benson W, Cakici JA, Childhood Mortality, Chowdhury S, Clark MM, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, Controlled Study, Cost Control, diagnostic test accuracy study, Diagnostic Value, Dimmock D, Ding Y, Farnaes L, February 2019 List, Female, Friedman J, genetic screening, Gold JJ, Hildreth A, hospitalization cost, Human, Infant, infant disease/di [Diagnosis], infant disease/dm [Disease Management], Kaplan RH, Kingsmore SF, Kronick R, Male, mortality risk, Nahas S, NLJ Genomic Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Priority Journal, rapid whole genome sequencing, Retrospective Study, risk reduction, Sensitivity and Specificity, Sweeney NM, Veeraraghavan N, whole genome sequencing
Tags: 2006, Canada, Child Health Care, Childhood Disease, Clinical Research, Dermatome, Diagnostic Accuracy, Diagnostic Value, Doctor Patient Relation, Editorial, Education Program, Epidural Catheter, Finley G A, Human, Medical Literature, Nerve Block, Pain Assessment, Pain Research And Management, Pain/pc [prevention], Palliative Therapy, Patient Safety, Pediatric Anesthesia, Self Report, September 2017 List