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The aim of this study was to examine the impact of end-of-life (EoL) circumstances on grief and internalizing symptoms among bereaved siblings. Bereaved families (N = 88) were recruited from three sites 3-12 months (M = 11.57, SD = 3.48) after their…
As part of a larger grounded theory study investigating the process by which palliative care patients make everyday choices, a secondary analysis of data was conducted to investigate the ways nurses support or restrict patients' participation in…
Despite the marked improvement in the treatment of childhood cancer in recent decades, there are children who die, leaving behind a legacy of grief for all who knew them, including their siblings. Nurses can play a significant role in facilitating…
The experience of sibling bereavement is relatively unexamined in the literature; the long-term effects of such an experience have received even less attention. In this study, grounded theory techniques for the analysis of qualitative data were used…
Canuck Place, North America's first free-standing pediatric hospice of its kind, opened in 1995 in British Columbia, Canada. The province-wide program encompasses a broad spectrum of services intended to support community-based care and provide…
This paper describes the key behaviors of "excellent" pediatric healthcare providers - a term used by fathers of children with complex, life-threatening illness to describe providers who consistently and effectively engage in family-centered care for…
Hospice and palliative care principles mandate clinicIans to provide "total" care to patients and their families. Such care incorporates not only physical, emotional, and psychosocial care, but spiritual care as well. Even though considerable…
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to learn about experiences of Mexican American and Chinese American families who require pediatric palliative care. This article describes parents' perceptions of information-sharing by health care providers during their…
Although increasing attention is being focused on the emotional aspects of caring for dying children and their families, few research reports concentrate on the experiences of mothers, particularly in different countries. This article describes the…
Grounded theory methods were used to study the experiences of 8 bereaved fathers whose children received care in a home-based hospice program. In-depth, unstructured interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and coded for themes and categories. Every…
This paper describes Mexican American family members' descriptions of perceived discrimination by pediatric health care providers (HCPs) and the families' reactions to the HCPs' discriminatory conduct. A retrospective, grounded theory design guided…
While conducting a grounded theory study of Chinese American and Mexican American families' experiences in pediatric palliative care, we encountered a number of unanticipated challenges regarding project development, Institutional Review Boards,…
OBJECTIVE. The goal was to explore barriers to palliative care experienced by pediatric health care providers caring for seriously ill children. METHODS. This study explored pediatric provider perceptions of end-of-life care in an academic children's…
In this 3-year prospective grounded theory study in three pediatric settings, we aimed to develop a conceptualization of best practice health care providers (BPHCPs) in interaction with parents of children with complex, chronic, life-threatening…
Fatigue in adults with cancer has received considerable attention as a troublesome symptom that requires nursing intervention. Fatigue in children with cancer, however, has received considerably less focus. The first phase of the present study used…
PURPOSE: To explore how nurses manage personal and professional boundaries in caring for seriously ill children and their families., DESIGN AND METHODS: Using a constructivist grounded theory approach, a convenience sample of 18 registered nurses…
This qualitative study explored bereaved parents’ and siblings’ reports of legacies created by children with advanced cancer. Participants included 40 families of children who died from cancer, with 36 mothers, 27 fathers, and 40 siblings (ages 8-18…
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Our findings offer guidance to improve aftercare for bereaved siblings and their families. Additional research is needed to further delineate the needs of bereaved siblings and to develop strategies to promote adaptation to…