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Abstract Specific grief behaviors observed in children ages 4-16 years in the 2 years after the death of a sibling are reported. Using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), the parents of 90 boys and girls rated the occurrence of behavior problems in…
The experience of sibling bereavement is relatively unexamined in the literature; the long-term effects of such an experience have received even less attention. In this study, grounded theory techniques for the analysis of qualitative data were used…
Despite the marked improvement in the treatment of childhood cancer in recent decades, there are children who die, leaving behind a legacy of grief for all who knew them, including their siblings. Nurses can play a significant role in facilitating…
Despite a growing bereavement literature, relatively little is known about what families find helpful after a child's death and how best to assist them during the grieving process. In this qualitative study, the authors explored advice from 40…
OBJECTIVES: To compare peer relationships among bereaved siblings and matched classmates, and to examine gender, grade level, and time since death as moderators. METHODS: Families were recruited from cancer registries at four hospitals 3-12 months…
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Our findings offer guidance to improve aftercare for bereaved siblings and their families. Additional research is needed to further delineate the needs of bereaved siblings and to develop strategies to promote adaptation to…
In pediatric oncology nursing, and across practice disciplines in general, clinical research serves as the cornerstone for improving patient care. Historically, advances made in the care and cure of childhood cancer have stemmed directly from…
Paediatric palliative care is a field distinct from adult palliative care, although there are many overlaps in language, approach and philosophy. Several features, however, distinguish paediatric palliative care. The illnesses that affect children…
This article describes the rationale for planning and conducting a qualitative pilot study about families' transition to a Canadian paediatric hospice. Discussion includes: background information and a literature review pertinent to the study; debate…
Pediatric palliative care is increasingly recognized to be a specialized type of care requiring specific skills and knowledge, yet, as found in several countries, there is little available research evidence on which to base care. Objectives: The goal…
CONTEXT: Few studies have compared multiple perspectives of changes experienced by parents after a child's death. OBJECTIVES: This study used interviews with bereaved parents and siblings to examine changes in parents during the first year after the…
This paper describes the key behaviors of "excellent" pediatric healthcare providers - a term used by fathers of children with complex, life-threatening illness to describe providers who consistently and effectively engage in family-centered care for…
In this 3-year prospective grounded theory study in three pediatric settings, we aimed to develop a conceptualization of best practice health care providers (BPHCPs) in interaction with parents of children with complex, chronic, life-threatening…