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Pediatric neurocritical care teams care for patients and families facing the potential for significant neurologic impairment and high mortality. Such admissions are often marked by significant prognostic uncertainty, high levels of parental emotional…

OBJECTIVE: Describe pediatric palliative care (PPC) patterns and treatment intensity during the last 48 hours of life among neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) patients in the Southern U.S. who received specialized PPC. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort…

Palliative care (PC) integration into the care of pediatric oncology patients is growing in acceptance and has been shown to improve the quality of life of children with cancer. Yet timing for referrals and referral practices remain inconsistent, and…

Background: One major challenge to the conduct of rigorous neonatal palliative care research is the lack of robust universally agreed upon definitions of key concepts central to pediatric and neonatal palliative care. Objective: We sought to define…

Background: In 2013, 23,446 infants died in the U.S.. For infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), advances in medicine have prolonged the lives of many infants who would not have previously survived, resulting in complex…

OBJECTIVE: This review highlights benefits that patients, families and clinicians can expect to realize when palliative care is intentionally incorporated into the PICU. DATA SOURCES: We searched the MEDLINE database from inception to January 2014…
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