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INTRODUCTION: Transition from paediatric to adult care is a complex process, which poses significant challenges for adolescents with chronic physical and mental illnesses. For many, transfer to adult care is associated with poor health and…
Introduction Youth with brain-based disabilities (BBDs), as well as their parents/caregivers, often feel ill-prepared for the transfer from paediatric to adult healthcare services. To address this pressing issue, we developed the MyREADY TransitionTM…
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the views and experiences of general practice of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, and their family members, through secondary analysis of a qualitative serial interview study. Thematic analysis…
INTRODUCTION: A growing number of children and young people are surviving severe acquired brain injuries due to advances in healthcare. However, many fail to emerge from coma and continue to live with disorders of consciousness (DOC). Diagnostic,…
Background, aim or objectives Despite a growing corpus of qualitative research exploring parental experiences of caring for a child with a life-limiting condition (LLC), studies focusing on fathers' needs are sparse. Their voice is often diluted…
Objective The purpose of this scoping review was to identify the experiences of parents who endured the death of their child in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and what end-of-life care they perceived as supportive. Design Scoping review…
OBJECTIVES: To offer an interpretation of bereaved parents' evaluations of communication with healthcare practitioners (HCPs) surrounding the death of a child. DESIGN: Interpretative qualitative study employing thematic and linguistic analyses of…
BACKGROUND: The perinatal mortality review meeting that takes place within the hospital following a stillbirth or neonatal death enables clinicians to learn vital lessons to improve care for women and their families for the future. Recent evidence…
OBJECTIVE: Report on survival to discharge of children in a combined paediatric/neonatal intensive care unit (PNICU). DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective cross-sectional record review. PARTICIPANTS: All children (medical and surgical patients) admitted…
Introduction As adolescents with neurodisabilities near adulthood, they and their caregivers will face the challenge of transferring from paediatric to adult healthcare systems. Despite the growing number of programmes designed to support healthcare…
Objective Although stakeholders' participation in healthcare is increasingly recommended, bereaved parents are often excluded for perceived potential risks to them. The objective of this study is to describe the ongoing involvement and the…
OBJECTIVE: To identify barriers, as perceived by parents, to good care for children with life-threatening conditions. DESIGN: In a nationwide qualitative study, we held in-depth interviews regarding end-of-life care with parents of children (aged 1…
Introduction Multimorbidity, the co-occurrence of a chronic physical condition and mental disorder, affects a substantial number of children and youth and can lead to compromised quality of life, hardship for families, and an increased burden on the…
INTRODUCTION: The physiology of dying after withdrawal of life-sustaining measures (WLSM) is not well described in children. This lack of knowledge makes predicting the duration of the dying process difficult. For families, not knowing this process's…
Introduction There are now nearly 50 000 children with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition in the UK. These include conditions where there is no reasonable hope of cure and from which they will die, as well as conditions for which curative…
OBJECTIVE: To explore doctors' experiences of referring and admitting patients to the intensive care unit (ICU) at two tertiary hospitals in Malawi. DESIGN: This was a qualitative study that used face-to-face interviews. The interviews were…
OBJECTIVE: This is the first known study which examines the evolutionary nature of spousal interaction patterns among Asian parents of children with chronic life-threatening illness, from the time of providing care to their child through bereavement.…
INTRODUCTION: Pain negatively affects the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of adolescents with cancer. The Pain Squad+ smartphone-based application (app), has been developed to provide adolescents with real-time pain self-management support. The…
OBJECTIVE: The James Lind Alliance (JLA) offers a method for better aligning health and care agenda's with the needs of patients, carers and clinicians by bringing them together in a Priority Setting Partnership (PSP). In this paper, we draw…
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the feasibility of a new approach to paediatric research whereby we involved children in analysing qualitative data, and to reflect on the involvement process. SETTING: This was a single-centre, qualitative study in the…
INTRODUCTION: Electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs) have tremendous potential to optimise palliative and supportive care for children with cancer, their families and healthcare providers. Particularly, these children and their families are…
Objectives To provide an in-depth insight into the experience and perceptions of bereaved parents who have experienced end of life care decision-making for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions in the paediatric intensive care…
INTRODUCTION: The number of children and young people living with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions is rising. Providing high-quality, responsive healthcare for them and for their families presents a significant challenge. Their…
INTRODUCTION: The number of children and young people living with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions is rising. Providing high-quality, responsive healthcare for them and for their families presents a significant challenge. Their…
INTRODUCTION: Siblings share a lifelong bond in their relationship, and they may choose to provide support to their brother or sister with a neurodisability. Previous reviews summarised programmes that only focused on the behavioural, emotional and…
OBJECTIVES: The unmet palliative care need is intensified in resource-limited countries where there is inequitable access to healthcare and adolescents and young adults (AYA) fall between the cracks of paediatric and adult services. We aimed to…
Introduction Parents of a child with cancer want to be involved in making treatment decisions for their child. Underpinning and informing these decisions are parents' individual values and preferences. Parents of a child who has a poor prognosis…
Background, aim or objectives Despite a growing corpus of qualitative research exploring parental experiences of caring for a child with a life-limiting condition (LLC), studies focusing on fathers' needs are sparse. Their voice is often diluted…
OBJECTIVES: To compare mental health and well-being outcomes at 3 and 9 months after the stillbirth among women who held or did not hold their baby, adjusting for demographic and clinical differences. DESIGN: Secondary analyses of data from a postal…
OBJECTIVE: To systematically review and synthesise qualitative research exploring parents/carers' experiences of seeking online information and support for long-term physical childhood conditions. DESIGN: Systematic review and thematic synthesis of…
Background/objectives: Shared decision-making is widely accepted as the best approach for end-of-life decision-making for children with life-limiting conditions. Both paediatricians and parents find benefit in preparing for such decisions. However,…