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This study focuses on descriptive accounts of one Macmillan nurse's work, as provided by key individuals coming into contact with this specialist professional service. Twenty respondents (eight patients, five carers, five district nurses and two…
Notes that grieving following the death of child tends to be intense and enduring, often resulting in diminished psychological and interpersonal functioning for surviving parents. Reviews literature on parental bereavement focusing on unique nature…
We used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY; 1987) to examine the relationship between having a chronic physical health condition during youth (ages 14 to 21), and the subsequent transition to adulthood among a nationally…
Despite the marked improvement in the treatment of childhood cancer in recent decades, there are children who die, leaving behind a legacy of grief for all who knew them, including their siblings. Nurses can play a significant role in facilitating…
A child's death can have a profound and lasting effect on surviving siblings. Early researchers and clinicians have suggested that siblings were at risk for serious psychopathology. However, in later studies, researchers found that although the grief…
Self-injurious behavior (SIB) is a serious and moderately prevalent problem behavior among developmentally disabled persons, and it frequently leads to treatment with psychotropic medication. The empirical literature relating to the efficacy of…
In this study we looked at children dying from progressive malignant diseases and their families, to see whether they discussed the child's impending death together. We also looked at what factors might influence this. We questioned staff in the…
Discusses the impact of technology on the practice of medicine. Effect of technology to medical inflation; Influence of technology on the attempt to reform the health care system and on the redirection of the goals of health care system; Problems…
Adams et al. (1992) presented the results of 2 studies designed to replicate previous work by Davis (1989) regarding perceived usefulness, ease of use, and their influence on the usage of information technology. To measure the influence of usefulness…
The International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement recognizes the wide variation of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours pertaining to childhood death, dying, and bereavement. The purpose of this statement is, therefore, to identify a set of…
A number of recent studies suggest that cells of the immune system, e.g. peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), can synthesize and process POMC and secrete POMC-derived peptides, such as ACTH and endorphins, upon immune and hormonal challenges.…
Of the 100,000 children who die each year in the United States, close to 15,000 children could benefit from hospice/home care services. This article describes the concept of pediatric hospice care, reviews the Martinson study that was conducted in…
The authors assessed the test-retest reliabilities of two treatment-preference instruments recently applied to the measurement of the utilities of health states after different treatment modalities for cancer. The first instrument measures the…
The use of a total quality management frame work by the palliative care team (PCT) at the Chedoke-McMaster hospitals has led to a standardized method of obtaining feedback from some of the hospitals' customers. Every three months, a focus group is…
The clinical manifestations of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy are described in four generations of a single kindred. The age of onset of major neurological disturbance varied from 3-70 years. In some patients, deafness was the only manifestation; in…
A survival analysis of 40 cases of early onset cerebellar ataxia (EOCA) with retained tendon reflexes was performed. They represent all cases of EOCA diagnosed between 1945 and 1990 among residents of a defined area of Northwestern Italy, followed up…
Growth failure and nutritional status were evaluated in 142 children with quadriplegic cerebral palsy, aged between two and 18 years. Linear growth was assessed by upper-arm and lower-leg lengths: both means were significantly reduced. Mean…
For cancer patients, the question of how much morphine is too much may be irrelevant-they need as much as it takes to relieve their pain. Discover the principles of administering high doses of morphine, including which routes to use, how to convert…
OBJECTIVE: To determine the pharmacokinetics of fentanyl when used as a long-term continuous infusion for sedation/analgesia in mechanically ventilated critically ill infants and children. DESIGN: Prospective, case series. SETTING: A university…
Forty-five children (aged 6-12 yr) undergoing appendicectomy received one of three analgesic regimens using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with morphine: no background infusion (BO); background infusion 4 micrograms kg-1 h-1 (B4); background…
The ventilatory effects of single i.v. doses of morphine 0.1 mg kg-1, pethidine 0.67 mg kg-1 and methadone 0.1 mg kg-1 were compared after ophthalmic surgery in an open, randomized study in 30 children aged 3-8 yr. Ventilatory changes after each drug…
Developmental changes in children's acquisition of death concepts and in their emotional reactions are reviewed. Moderating variables that may affect the nature of grieving processes after parental or sibling death are discussed, including…
BACKGROUND AND METHODS: Overweight in adolescents may have deleterious effects on their subsequent self-esteem, social and economic characteristics, and physical health. We studied the relation between overweight and subsequent educational…
Leigh syndrome (LS) is the clinical prototype of a genetically-determined mitochondrial encephalopathy. Twenty-two of 34 patients with LS had evidence of a movement disorder (MD). Dystonia, the most common MD, was present in 19 cases, rigidity in 4,…
Opioid system hypofunction has been postulated in cluster headache (CH) on the basis of reduced opioid levels found in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In this study beta-endorphin levels were monitored in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 65…
The multidisciplinary field of stress and stress-related health outcomes has generated theoretical and practical knowledge which is of interest to nurses. Theoretical developments which have assumed a prominent role in the study of stress, health and…
Local anesthetics are extremely useful for providing anesthesia and analgesia for infants and children of all ages. Despite the toxicity issues raised here, the overall safety record of local anesthetic use in pediatrics has been very good, and local…
A 3-year-old boy had recurrent episodes of lethargy, encephalopathy, and hepatomegaly accompanied by hypoglycemia, elevated liver aminotransferase and creatine kinase values, and nonketotic dicarboxylic aciduria; the serum carnitine level was…