March 2022 List
March 2022 List
Collection Items
Clinical Reasoning Behind Antibiotic Use in PICUs: A Qualitative Study
Objectives: To describe the reasoning processes used by pediatric intensivists to make antibiotic-related decisions. Design: Grounded theory qualitative study. Setting: Three Canadian university-affiliated…
Neither the “Devil’s Lettuce” nor a “Miracle Cure:” The Use of Medical Cannabis in the Care of Children and Youth
Lack of guidance and regulation for authorizing medical cannabis for conditions involving the health and neurodevelopment of children is ethically problematic as it promulgates access inequities, risk-benefit inconsistencies, and inadequate consent…
Family-centered care and pediatric death in the emergency department: A qualitative study using framework analysis
Background Family-centered care is an important concept underpinning care of children. Although much researched in some settings, little research has explored specialist settings, or areas where both children and adults are cared for, such as the…
Decision-making experiences of health professionals in withdrawing treatment for children and young people: A qualitative study
OBJECTIVE: To explore factors that influence professionals in deciding whether to withdraw treatment from a child and how decision-making is managed amongst professionals as an individual and as a team. STUDY DESIGN: Semi-structured interviews were…
Evaluation of a grandparent bereavement support group in a Pediatric Palliative Care Hospice
This study aimed to explore grandparents' experiences of grief after the death of a grandchild, their perception of socially supportive behavior as well as their satisfaction with a bereavement support care. A six-session bereavement support group…
COVID-19 in pediatric palliative care: what can we learn from the pandemic and possible future directions
INTRODUCTION: Patients in pediatric palliative care (PPC) live with multiple comorbidities which represent a risk factor for severe form of COVID-19. METHODS: This monocentric retrospective study was performed at the PPC Center of Padua (Italy).…
The First Step to Initiate Pediatric Palliative Care: Identify Patient Needs and Cooperation of Medical Staff
Few Korean hospitals had experience in pediatric palliative care. Since the beginning of the national palliative care project, interest in pediatric palliative care has gradually increased, but the establishment of professional palliative care is…
The unintended consequences of COVID-19 public health measures on health care for children with medical complexity
AIM: The aim of this work is to explore the unintended consequences of pandemic public health measures on health care service usage by children with medical complexity. BACKGROUND: Medical complexity is characterized by the presence of complex,…
International Standards for Pediatric Palliative Care: From IMPaCCT to GO-PPaCS
CONTEXT: Since the publication of the IMPaCCT project in 2007, much effort has been made to develop new approaches to pediatric palliative care (PPC). Fifteen years later, it is time to redefine the standards in PPC. OBJECTIVES: An international…
Home mechanical ventilation for children with severe neurological impairment: Parents' perspectives on clinician counselling
AIM: To retrospectively explore the perspectives of parents of children with severe neurological impairment (SNI), such as those with severe cerebral palsy, epilepsy syndromes, and structural brain differences, on clinician counseling regarding home…
Communication of bad news in the context of neonatal palliative care: experience of intensivist nurses
OBJECTIVES: To know the experiences of nurses in neonatal intensive care units in the face of the process of communicating bad news to the family of newborns in palliative care. METHODS: Study with a descriptive qualitative approach, in which 17…
The Unspeakable Nature of Death & Dying During Childhood: A Silenced Phenomenon in Pediatric Care
In pediatric settings, the concept of hope is frequently positioned as a fundamental aspect of care and at odds with the possibility and proximity of death. This arguably fosters silence about death and dying in childhood despite evidence indicating…
Health Care Providers' Perspectives on COVID-19 and Medical Neglect in Children with Life-Threatening Complex Chronic Conditions
PURPOSE: Little is known regarding medical neglect in children with Life-Threatening Complex Chronic Conditions (LT-CCCs). We examined the impact of COVID-19 on concern for medical neglect in this population. METHODS: Qualitative interview study of…
It was like an airbag, it cushioned the blow': A multi-site qualitative study of bereaved parents' experiences of using cooling facilities
BACKGROUND: Evidence on the benefits to parents of spending time with their child in the hours after their death means this is now routine practice. UK children's hospices offer parents the opportunity to extend this period by using cooling…
Out-of-Hospital Emergencies in Children Under Palliative Home Care
Introduction: Specialized palliative home care (SPHC) enables children and adolescents with life-limiting illnesses and complex needs to receive care at home. In addition to controlling symptoms and stabilizing the psychosocial situation, crisis…
The social and physical environmental factors associated with the play of children living with life threatening/limiting conditions: A Q methodology study
BACKGROUND: Living with a life threatening/limiting condition changes and challenges children's play. The environment is known to support participation in play, yet there is a lack of evidence highlighting its specific factors contributing to…
Participatory Design of a Medication Module in an Electronic Medical Record for Paediatric Palliative Care: A Think-Aloud Approach with Nurses and Physicians
BACKGROUND: Electronic medical records (EMRs) play a key role in improving documentation and quality of care in paediatric palliative care (PPC). Inadequate EMR design can cause incorrect prescription and administration of medications. Due to the…
Assessment of Long-term Psychological Outcomes after Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Admission: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Importance: The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) exposes children to stressful experiences with potential long-term psychological repercussions. However, current understanding of post-PICU psychological outcomes is incomplete. Objective(s): To…
Clinician end-of-life experiences with pediatric Muslim patients at a US quaternary care center
CONTEXT: A small, growing body of data exist discussing the experiences of Muslim patients with the palliative care system, both in the United States and abroad, as well as providers' experiences with Muslim patients. However, no studies evaluate…
Parents' views on medical decisions related to life and death for their ageing child with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: A qualitative study
BACKGROUND: The increased life expectancy of persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) raises questions regarding the medical decisions related to life and death, made on their behalf during their later lives. However,…
Pediatric palliative care and end-of-life: a systematic review of economic health analyses
OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review of the health economic evidence on the care of children and adolescents with complex clinical conditions, comparing groups included and not included (control group) in palliative care at the end of life. DATA…
Symptoms and Suffering at End of Life for Children With Complex Chronic Conditions
Context: Children with cancer and cardiac disease suffer with high symptom burden at end of life (EOL). Little is known about the EOL experience for children with other complex chronic conditions (CCCs). Objective(s): To evaluate symptoms and…
Perinatal palliative care
Perinatal Palliative Care is a model of care designed to prevent and treat the physical, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of fetuses and newborn infants with life-threatening or life-limiting conditions. The care extends to the infant's family.…
Nurses' experiences of managing vulnerability when working with seriously ill children
BACKGROUND: Nurses who work with very unwell or dying children may experience intense sorrow and distress in response to loss, which can take an emotional toll on them, potentially affecting care provision. AIM: This study aimed to explore the…
Nursing interventions for perinatal bereavement care in neonatal intensive care units: A scoping review
BACKGROUND: Despite technological advances and specialist training of neonatal teams, perinatal deaths still occur. Such events are traumatic experiences for the parents and increase the risk of pathological grieving. Nursing is one of the main…
Parental experience of child death in the paediatric intensive care unit: A scoping review
Objective The purpose of this scoping review was to identify the experiences of parents who endured the death of their child in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and what end-of-life care they perceived as supportive. Design Scoping review…
Metaphors that shape parents' perceptions of effective communication with healthcare practitioners following child death: a qualitative UK study
OBJECTIVES: To offer an interpretation of bereaved parents' evaluations of communication with healthcare practitioners (HCPs) surrounding the death of a child. DESIGN: Interpretative qualitative study employing thematic and linguistic analyses of…
Digital decision aid for prenatal counseling in imminent extreme premature labor: development and pilot testing
BACKGROUND: In case of extreme premature delivery at 24 weeks of gestation, both early intensive care and palliative comfort care for the neonate are considered treatment options. Prenatal counseling, preferably using shared decision making, is…
Insight into the content of and experiences with follow-up conversations with bereaved parents in paediatrics: A systematic review
AIM: A follow-up conversation with bereaved parents is a relatively well-established intervention in paediatric clinical practice. Yet, the content and value of these conversations remain unclear. This review aims to provide insight into the content…
Informing Simulation Design: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Bereaved Parents and Actors
INTRODUCTION: Simulations, which represent reality, are effective in pediatric healthcare communication skills education and training. Parents are increasingly engaged in simulation development, particularly for authentic character development, to…
Exploring Parental Decision Making for a Child With a Life-Limiting Condition: An Interpretive Description Study
The purpose of this study was to explore parents' and health care professionals' perception of parents' experiences in making decisions between acute and palliative therapies along the trajectory of their child's life-limiting condition. An…
What hinders and helps in the end-of-life decision-making process for children: Parents' and physicians' views
AIM: To investigate the main factors which facilitate or hinder end-of-life decision-making (EoLDM) in neonates and children. METHODS: A qualitative inductive, thematic analysis was performed of interviews with a total of 73 parents and 71…